Surgical Scissors Logo


GerMedUSA is dedicated to the manufacturing and supply of highly efficient surgical instruments for the healthcare industry. Our products, crafted from German stainless steel, are highly sought after in the medical field. When designing new instruments, we pay meticulous attention to detail to ensure durability and reliability. Furthermore, we offer customization services for customers seeking instruments that go beyond the standard.

With a track record of over three decades, we have successfully recreated and adapted various custom surgical instrument designs for professionals worldwide.

Custom Manufacturing of Surgical Instruments

The Concept is New, but not to you!

Do you have a brilliant idea or improvement in mind for a surgical instrument? Do you comprehend the instrument’s functionality and purpose but require expertise and resources to bring it to life?

GerMedUSA is here to assist you with our extensive knowledge of manufacturing surgical instruments, access to materials and resources, and our profound industry experience. We listen, take notes, design, manufacture, and even aid in the marketing of your innovative surgical instrument.

Unlock Efficiency

GerMedUSA offers the guidance and expertise necessary to craft an instrument that aligns with your unique requirements. 

Together, we will engage in a collaborative process, including:

  • Concept building
  • Designing
  • Approval of the improvements or new Instruments
  • Manufacturing the instrument
  • Marketing the product

Partner with Us—The Experts

GerMedUSA is dedicated to taking on any project and addressing its demands. We encourage idea-sharing and brainstorming to create effective solutions. 

We are committed to:

  • Challenge theories
  • Create demonstrative prototypes
  • Manufacturing the Instrument
  • Collect constructive feedback

This process is entirely collaborative, ensuring your active involvement and expert guidance. The result? A surgical instrument concept aligned with your objectives and application requirements, developed with a keen focus on feasibility and a deep understanding of the cutting-edge technologies used in its construction.

You will leave the process with:

  • Concept drawings
  • Prototypes
  • Official product post-production
  • Marketing Assistance

Your Concept, We Design: Let’s Begin the Project

GerMedUSA enjoys a challenge. We offer an effective process for the development of surgical instruments, with a focus on innovation, design for production, and cost-efficiency.

Contact Us

Fill out a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and provide us with details. We will determine the best possible end-to-end solution for your problems or provide full support for your unique idea while maintaining the utmost secrecy.

Contact Us By Filling The Following Form