Surgical Scissors Logo

Privacy Policy

We prioritize the safeguarding of sensitive information for our online visitors, ensuring that unauthorized parties cannot access your data. Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance with privacy regulations, as we are devoted to building strong relationships with our customers. 

Our Privacy Policy guarantees that all personally shared and collected information remains securely protected on our website. We have no intention of sharing, transferring, storing, or selling any sensitive data or custom surgical instrument concepts to third parties through any means.

Data Collection and Utilization

We collect personal information from our visitors, securely storing it on our protected servers. Utilizing advanced technology, we prevent unauthorized access to this data. Rest assured that we do not disclose information about your purchases to third parties. 

The data we gather is used for newsletters, sales updates, promotions, and other relevant news to benefit our visitors, as well as for contacting you. If you want to discontinue this service, you can unsubscribe or promptly reach out to us via email. 

Your credit card information remains private, with manual processing to verify its legitimacy against your name, billing address, and CVV number through the respective bank to prevent fraudulent transactions.


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